Wolf Lake Terminals (WLT) is a liquid storage facility containing over 500,000 barrels of storage capacity with 125 aboveground storage tanks, located on approximately 30 acres. WLT contains 12,000 linear feet of railroad track, providing room to stage over 200 railcars at a time. Approximately 1,800 liquid railcars pass through WLT each year.
At WLT there are multiple blending operations set up to custom blend various products from de-icing material to white oils. Well over 80 million pounds of various products are blended and distributed at or from the WLT facility every year. An average of 60 tanker trucks are loaded or unloaded at WLT daily for a total of over 15,000 loads each year. WLT built and operates the first Biodiesel production facility in the State of Indiana. The Biodiesel production is a toll manufacturing service for Evergreen Renewables of Indiana LLC. WLT maintains excellent product stewardship and consistently performs at or above industry standards by with its ISO 9001-compliant Quality Management System.
Lab Testing Capabilities
The Laboratory services at Wolf Lake Terminals are ISO certified and are performed by two technicians and our Quality Manager. We are currently testing lubricants, white oils, surfonics, amines, glycols, oil additives and water and various other products as needed. We also perform blending of products and associated testing to verify that we are achieving our goal of meeting customers needs every time without error. Specialized services or capabilities not listed can be accommodated.
Lab Tests
- Appearance
- ASTM Color
- PtCo Color
- Flash Point COC
- API Gravity
- Specific Gravity
- Wt/Gal
- Viscocity, Kinematic
- 100 F
- 210 F
- 40 C
- 100 C
- Viscosity, Saybolt
- 100 F
- 210 F
- Brookfield Viscosity
- IBP (Initial Boiling Point)
- Hot Plate Moisture
- KF H20 titration
- Cloud Point
- Conductivity
- Sufide ppm
- Organo-Phosphate
- Hardness
- Dissolved Oxygen
- pH
- Alkalinity Wt%
- Reserve Alkalinity
- Carbonizable Substances
- Freeze Point
- Refractive Index